elct.jpg (3412 Byte)Hand over to the new

director  31-12-2010

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The deligation from Arusha, Bischof Magina, Mama Urima

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Philemon and Temu

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Calvin Lyaro

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Flora is coming with the actual account balances

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Bischof Magina

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The director in his chair the last time

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Reply of the Church leadership in Arusha on the request of  Bischofs Magina

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Hand over of all keys

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Speech of Philemon, the new director of the Lutheran Radio Centre, Moshi

Today director of the Lutheran Radio Centre handed over everything to the new director Phjilemon Phihavango.

We had two special guests, Mama Kitutu, the personel officer of the common work of the ELCT and the representative of the general secretary pastor for youth activities in the ELCT.

Also present for the hand over had been Bishop Magina,  the directors secretary Evelin Urima, the head of program department Temu and I had been representing Anderson, the head of technical department.

Our director had a long document prepared already in which he had listed everything he was going to hand over including all Buildings, staff houses, transmitter facilities, inventory and even the studio car.

While he was reading the document our casheer Flora came from the bank withthe actual account balances.

Bishop Magina appealed with tears to the representatives of ELCT common work to remember the staffing director in a good way, since he had devoted so many decades of his live to the radio service, since the times in Addis Abeba up to now.

The representatives promised so. They asked how they could imagine all what was handed over right now, when sighning the documents. Bishop Maghina assured them the audit department will provide the official documents, if there are any questions early next year.

Then our director hugged Philemon and handed over his live long work.

Philemon has been working for the studio now for more than 10 years and finished his master of communications last year. So he is the best person any how possible to fit this job!

The representatives from Arusha head office were very much touched with how much love this hand over took place. "Some where else the following person has to start new instead of continiuing the preciding work!

After the speech of our new director Filemon Phihavango we had lunch together in the Lutheran Uhuru Hotel just close to the studio.


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Gemeinsames Mittagessen Uhuru Hotel

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