VUDEE PARISH OFFICE | Lightening strikes Transformer of the Same booster |
Radio is the fastest and the cheapest media of communication which can reach people easier and affordable by most of people in the Society . Now days of Science and Technology, Globalisation and very high development in Communication, People, not only in Urbun area but also in Rural area, need to be informed about several events occurs in all over the world. They have the right of being informed on Economical, Social, Political, Cultural as well as Religious issues so that they should be aware on them. For many years before, it was bealived that all these things would happen only in town and not in village, that is why people in village used to emigrate to town finding good life as they bealived. However, things are quite defferent nowdays, since people in village have impression of the new things to be practised at their own place. Know how, Radio Sauti ya Injili, finally succeeded in reaching people of rural areas by expanding its broadicasting services using FM Boosters. However the history of constructing Pare Booster was much more interesting, for the response of people were quite postively, because there were no any FM Radio before, that made them thirsty on having Redio for a long time. The first survey was made 27 November 99, on the highest mountain in Pare hills Shengena, which is situated on Same District Kilimanjaro Region, where they live people of defferent religion including Lutheranian under Pare Dioces. The Survey which made by Eliaman Mbando, Anderson Mbando, Zawadi Mchome and Consultant Expert Engineer Martin Arnet, continued the following year with succesfully construction of the Booster building on Shengena mountains, the small land owned by Vudee Parish, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Pare Dioces, and at the same year the Radio were on the air. The Construction of the Booster building, were made very quicly and succesfully because of the cooperation shown by people of that area under the supervision of Eliatosha William Mnzava the Evangelist of the Parish. However, the Radio was beginning to be on the air with some difficulties, since the electiricity were not yet there at that moment, and the power used to operate the booster was just a very small generator which were able to run the machine for only two hours in a day. Thanks God, for within a short time the Tanzania Electricity Suply Company (TANESCO) were already put the Transformer at Ndolwa area, where it is the source of the power using to operate the machine of the booster. At the moment, people in Pare area, enjoing the Radio very well, as most of them write letters to us, make calls and appreciate the works of our Radio to them. They sayed that the site of the booster as well as the machine now is the part of their properties and they will make sure that it will be safe so that to be on the air everyday, and the following incident is an approval of their statement. It came to happen, at the beginning of this year, that the transformer was broken and stoped the radio for almost one month. For all the time People suffered to find out the means of geting any other altenative of operating the booster when they were finding onether transformer. Lately, the Electricity Company informed them that they have got new transformer far away from Moshi and they have to contribute for the transpot. They responded very well, for contributing money for fuel, while one of them the Same District Land Planing Officer, Mr.Mnzava used his vehicle for transporting the transformer from Moshi to Ndolwa where they Installed and now the radio is again on the air. DEDICATION First of all we sincerely thanks all Pare people who like to listen Radio Sauti ya Injili from Shengena mountain, and those used to contribute either for buying our cards for greetings, advertising through our radio and other kind of contribution. Not forgeting the Same District Land Planing Officer, Mr.Mnzava who agreed to use his vehicle for transporting the transformer. Finaly Evangelist Eliatosha William Mnzava with his lovely wife Joicy for agreeing to help us from the beginning of the work up to now. |